On June 20 , 2018 a new form of recovery was found by specialists doctor Muran and doctor Walterson. According to the results of a patient Pedro Anthony Vasquez Perez who lost memory few days ago had recovered. This patient was rushed immediately to the hospital 10:31 pm last night when he had injected him self with General anesthesia . This patient had no pulse no heart beat Doctor Muran mentioned to Pedro’s brother Drew Vasquez to wait until further notice . This morning at 9:22 Pedro Vasquez woke up and was considered a miracle to know Pedro had recovered his memory. Doctors are now studying the injections and will look more into Pedro’s Health. Doctor Walterson believes this could help others who have lost memories and help recover those who are in need of help . Pedro Anthony Vasquez Perez is now released and will be seen twice a week could this be a new treatment for those in need ? We will be letting more information on the next interview with Doctor Muran and Doctor Walterson.